Saul Greenberg and Bill Buxton (2008). "Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time)”
About the Text
The article is about the limitation of traditional usability evaluation methods like user testing. The authors write about the addition of ethnographic and contextual research to get a deeper understanding. They focus on the problem that comes with “blind” Usability Evaluation and how important it is to look at the whole context.
What means Doctrine
ChatGPT, prompt: doctrine in the context of interaction design methods, can you explain that more essay, and also shorter
“In interaction design, "doctrine" means a set of principles that designers follow to create effective user interfaces. It helps designers make decisions based on established rules and best practices. By following a doctrine, designers can create interfaces that are more likely to be user-friendly and effective.”
Usability Evaluation
In today’s HCI practice, Evaluation is one of the core components. Mostly it’s an ongoing circle of Evaluation, Design, and Implementation.
It is one of the most important parts of user interface design. The reasons behind this lies in the validation if we actually meet the requirements of the users but also if they understand it.
To do this, the following evaluation methods to measure efficiency or satisfaction are used: