Ernest A. Edmonds (2014). "Human Computer Interaction, Art and Experience. page 11 – 23”

About this Text

What can Art learn from Human-Interaction-Design and what can Human-Interaction-Design learn from art? Where do they overlap?


Source: Design, Dario Zaugg. Content, Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluation New Art Practice

Source: Design, Dario Zaugg. Content, Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluation New Art Practice

Human-Computer-Interaction and interactive Digital Art have much to offer to each other. But what exactly can be transferred in each direction?

This can be broken down into: "When is experiencing interaction engaging?" If we combine just sound and images, is the engagement already increased? Can we predict engagement? What kind of engagement is interesting and valuable?

Engagement isn't equal engagement

Someone could go away after a quick look, but they would still think about the artwork. Someone else could stay a bit longer but after going, never think about it again. Therefore it can also be, that they come back to the artwork at another moment because they were still thinking about it.

How do familiarity and engagement inter-relate?

If we are familiar with something, the chances are higher that we rather interact with something. On the other hand, if we already know something, the chance is high that it may not grasp our attention or we lose interest fast. But it can be said, that the engagement will change if the same artwork is shown over and over again. Maybe it's even more interesting after the 5th time but probably after the 100th, it will be boring.


What the audience feels and experiences are key factors in the artist's artwork. One of the big things about Interactive digital art is actually the interactive experience.